
It's a Small World Cup メンバーリスト

23 件のコメント:

  1. Hello everyone, I would like to join your forum PES Wii, I saw that you were very good players and I would like to play with you, I'm sorry if I post in the wrong section but I do not Japanese ^ ^
    Could someone tell me the way forward?

  2. Oh yes i forgot to let my Email : aire-m@hotmail.fr

  3. strangedays(#3 on the list above)2011/09/17 1:34:00

    Hi M.i.k.e,Welcome to our forum!

    We also hope to play with you,but I'm afraid we Japanese players maybe can't connect with overseas players' wi-fi....

    But I think it's worth to try.Please tell me your 16-digit wi-fi code!My code is 1506 2283 7593.

  4. Thanks you.. I see, i had not thought of that, I thought all the wii were the same ..
    we can even try:)

    PES11 FC: 5200 3506 2937
    I'll add you

  5. I'll to use the ntsc game if it doesnt work

  6. Hi Friend , I finally succed to Add your Friend Code, my new friend code is : 0089 4981 8252
    See you on the football field ;)

  7. Hey congratulations for your victory you play really well:)
    I have a big delay when executing the commands, is this normal?

  8. strangedays(#3 on the list above)2011/09/18 21:55:00

    Hi,Mike,I added your code too!
    And thank you for our first match!!

    I would like to ask you the following questions..

    1)First of all, Did you play in France??(I played in YOKOHAMA,Japan)Your PES is European version,not Japanese one,right?

    2)My account on PES is written in Japanese character.How is expressed in your screen?

    3)How does it feel to play with Japanese player?To tell the truth,I felt a big delay and break during the game.Usually,there's almost no delay when playing with Japanese players.

    4)Please let me uproad highlights of the game on YouTube,OK?

    I usually play JST(Japanese standard time)2300-2600 aimost everyday.I'm looking forward to next match against you!

    Thank you!

  9. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  10. Thank you for your reply:)

    So to answer you, yes I play from FRANCE how do you know? My PES usual is EUROPEAN but the one I use against you is Winning Eleven Playmaker JAP

    2. Yes a very long pseudo lol it is written in
    Japanese on my side so do not worry
    And to my account was written MIKE?

    3.Playing against a Japanese player the way that you was a pleasure, aside from that, yes there was a strong décallage about (1.5 seconds before running the command) I think I set my video mode. But usually PES europe there is no delay and the connection is perfect!

    4 Sure you can upload the highlights, you very well Played;)

    5. Now i have some questions .. What is 2300 to 2600? here the time is 4:12 p.m.
    We have 24 hours not 26 ...

    And then, had you or a Skype Chat
    What is your name in European letters?

    See you :)

  11. strangedays(#3 on the list above)2011/09/18 23:41:00

    Thank you for your quick reply,too!

    I guess you are French because the end of your e-mail address is .

    Yes,your account was M.I.K.E. on my side.
    And sorry,JST2300 to 2600 means JST11PM to 2AM....

    Please see my YouTube! already uproaded!!

    My name in European letters is strangedays.
    (ストレンジデイズ means strangedays in Japanese)

    I'd like to introduce you to my forum!!
    Just keep in touch!!

  12. strangedays(#3 on the list above)2011/09/18 23:44:00

    something strange in the beginning of my comment..
    The end of your address is fr so I guess you're French.

  13. To M.I.k.e

    My friend code
    1420 4096 6330

    My team is GRANDE MILAN.

    Let's enjoy!


  14. lol Yes i forgot i gave you my Email adress.

    Thanks for your explications.
    It's really nice of you for welcoming me in your forum, I'll keep in touch with you

    Sorry if i do the posts in the wrong place.

  15. Hello Masa, thanks for your friend Code
    I'll add you , see you for a game :)

  16. Thanks.
    And now,I'm playing PES.

    In France,what time is now?

  17. To Mike

    You twitter OK?
    My accout is "masa0009".

    Using twitter will be convenient for me.
    And perhaps for you.

  18. I Finished game this time.

    Next,I wii play game at 6:30-7:30(Japan time).

    If you will be OK,let's play game with me.

  19. Sorry i was eating masa, Okai give me 10mins and i go on twitter
    And time in France is : 19:22 ( 07:22 pm)

  20. No problem Masa, you tomorrow :)

  21. My GRANDE MILAN movie


    But this GRANDE MILAN is past team.
    New GRANDE MILAN is a little different.

  22. Sorry i can't see the video , is it a Mobile Link masa ?

  23. Since the new location are also available, please feel free to use. http://playmakerspracticeplace.blogspot.com/2011/09/pes-wii-cafe-in-ppp.html
